Case Studies
Mark Jackson, Head of Operatins at Gemporia tells the Equity Project what employee ownership means to him and how he has seen the business change.
Will Pearson CEO of the Ocean Bottle talks to the Equity Project about his experience with trying to introduce employee share schemes into the Ocean Bottle company. Will hopes that the employee share schemes will be reformed to make them easier for start ups to have part employee ownership.
Will White talks to the Equity Project about how employee share options at Loot have transformed the business as employees are more productive and believe that is their business. The model of a property owning democracy can be replaced with workforce equity ownership.
Colin Pyle, Co-Founder of Cru Kafe speaks to the Equity Project about how having employee share option schemes has led to a more productive workforce with a different mindset based upon shared values. Colin talks about how the millennial generation no longer want to work get paid and leave but want something more.
Dave, the Associate Director of Gemporia tells us why the founders chose the employee ownership trust model and what it means to him.
Ilaria explains her experience with employee share option schemes and how it changed how she worked. She noticed a difference in the employees productivity in the company as there was an employee share options pool.
Tiernan Mines, CEO and Co-Founder of Hello Lamp Post talks to the Equity Project about the barriers to introducing employee share option pools. He suggests offsetting legal fees against corporation tax for the valuation and setting up the pool.
Lee Roberts, the elected employee trustee tells the Equity Project how employee ownership has helped Gemporia.